

Sunday, 3 October 2010

K9. A few more gadgets

Posted by PicasaI have added a few more bits and pieces to K9 over the last few weeks while I have been working on Emy's new feet. The old standard servo to control the ear movement has gone and been replaced with a full 360 degree one. This allows me to still do the standard left and right but I can now add a full 360 degree sweep. I have also added a micro switch which will move the ears to a slow rotate when the nose laser in activated.
I managed to find these LED tags on ebay which are very, very cheap and will make ideas moving panels on both K9 and Emy. On K9 I will add a couple behind the red top panle plastic which can then scroll a preset message depending on the event K9 is attending. Then run on one of the larger button cell batteries but it will be easy to get them to run of the main battery or even tapped of the BEC.. The pictures above show just how simple and slim the units are, great for mounting anywhere.
The issue with the Sabretooth Dual 25A ESC has hopefully been resolved. I have added a connection between the motors and ESC so it can be disconnected when K9 is pushed around when not under his own power. Becasue he is so light compared to a full size Astromech it is easy to move him at relatively high speeds, high enough to generate enough power in the motors which has nowhere to go if the main switch is turned of, hence a blown ESC. I did think about replays to achieve this task however the connector is much more fulproof plus a complete electric disconnection is achieved this way.
I still need to work on the power drop I am getting across the digital photo frame casuing the sound to drop out when the motors are loaded, hopefully solved by the next event.

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