

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

K9. Top panel lights

The top panel lights are a very simple solution but add a nice touch. I decided to use four LED strips. Each strip can be controlled and made to flash in one of eight patterns. The greeen buttons change the flashing rate and preset pattern. I have added the green buttons after whatching the kids trying to press the buttons on the top panel at the last event. Now they can press the greeen buttons and the light patterns will change.
K9 is now in essence complete. I still want to get the head mechanism working more effectively and as well as up and down movement I would also like left and right movement. I have decided that I need to add a small audio amp to give the sound system a boost. The Digital photo frame audio is loud enough for quiet environments but more power is neede for the bigger events. I may even work on a vocoder system for K9 so I can speak through a mic and it will translate into a K9 voice.

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