

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

K9 24V drive system

After some serious consideration I have now updated the drive voltage to 24v. I had this same dilema with the R6 when she was opperating on 12v.
12v is was generally fine for K9 considering he does not wiegh much but as I have been adding more gadgets and considering adding larger batteries 24v seemed logical. Now after altering the circuit and feeding 24v to the ESC the results are great, I dont know why I ever doubted that it was a bad idea. The resoponse is now excellent and K9 will travel over most surfaces, grass even managed packed gravel. I intend to do more outside events with K9 so the extra power will come in very handy. The down side though is battery life. I will have to see how I get on with the batteries I have and if they do not provide enough run time I will have to work out how I can get larger batteries fitted. What I am currently doing is using two 9A 12v SLA batteries. They are connected in series to give me 24v and I am patching off one to get a 12v source for all the other electronics, same system I am using on my R6. Over the next few days I will run K9 continuously and see what run times I get.
I have also done some moe work on the ears as everytime I do an event they get broken. They are much stronger now and I have changed the colour to silver because they look better with the blue LED's shining on them. I have decided to work on some ears made of soft material but look like the real thing so when they are hit or knocked they simply pop back up into shape.These will be fitted at events with lots of kids and larger crouds.

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